
About Aguascalientes

The city of Aguascalientes is the actual capital of the Mexican state of the ...

Where to Stay in Aguascalientes

A great variety of local and international hotels offers the visitant their s...

Where to Eat in Aguascalientes

Test This modern city offers a wide variety of food which includes Spanish, I...

Where to Go / What to Do in Aguascalientes


This old celebration has been practice in Aguasca...

Nightlife in Aguascalientes

The calm diurnal life of the city transforms into night of celebration and fu...

Schools in Aguascalientes

Continuing with the line of innovation and quality that distinguish the Aguas...

Hospitals in Aguascalientes


The first and most compl...

Photo Gallery Aguascalientes

Releated articles with Aguascalientes

José Luis Cuevas, A Figure in Mexican Art

José Luis Cuevas was born on February 26, 1934 in ...

Holidays in Mexico

There are several dates that are considered important in ...

The Mexican Oil

Two products originate from oil exploitation, crude oil e...

Mexico's Most Famous Legends

Jesus Malverde

Jesus Malv...

Religions in Mexico

Mexico is an officially secular country where the Church ...

The Great Mexican Painters

Mexican visual arts have been very fortunate and prolific...

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Vicente Rojo Almazán, Great Artist

This great artist, Catalan by origin and Mexican by adopt...

The Cristero War

The Cristero War is also known as Cristiada. It was an ar...

Museo de la Revolucion in Chihuahua

Located in the center of the northern State of Chihuahua ...