Estado de México

Ixtapan de la Sal
About Ixtapan de la Sal

Located only 82 kilometers from the city of Toluca, this small and beautiful ...

Where to Stay in Ixtapan de la Sal

Luxurious and elegant resorts of international quality found around Ixtapan d...

Where to Eat in Ixtapan de la Sal

Ixtapan de la Sal has excellent restaurants where you can enjoy traditional M...

Where to Go / What to Do in Ixtapan de la Sal

For being only 82 kilometers from Toluca, Ixtapan de la Sal is the vacation s...

Nightlife in Ixtapan de la Sal

Inquire about the bar nearest to your hotel or resort.


Schools in Ixtapan de la Sal

Private education from preschool to high school.<...

Hospitals in Ixtapan de la Sal

Public medical institution.

Photo Gallery Ixtapan de la Sal

Releated articles with Ixtapan de la Sal

Day of the Dead in Mexico, November 2nd

In the prehispanic world, the concept of death played a f...

The EPR in Mexico

The Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR for its initials in S...

Indian Languages of Mexico

The Spanish language arrived with the Spanish conquerors ...

José Luis Cuevas, A Figure in Mexican Art

José Luis Cuevas was born on February 26, 1934 in ...

The Main Electric Plants

Traditionally, the Comisión Federal de electricida...

The Mexican Oil

Two products originate from oil exploitation, crude oil e...

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Tourism in Mexico, information, facts and statistics

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The “Baluarte Bicentenario” Bridge in Mexico

The “Baluarte Bicentenario” Bridge (or Bicent...