Schools in Valladolid

Regarding education services, in the city there are schools of basic and high school education both private and public, as well as free schools for the region's Indians, mostly Mayas.

Private school of basic education.
Calle 42

Private school.
Calle 41

Articles Releated with Valladolid

Mexico's World Cultural Heritage Sites II (1993-2002)

It is a combination of natural formations and those contr...

Celestún, natural paradise in Mexico

Celestun has been considered a Biosphere Reserve since 19...

The apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe before Juan Diego

Ten years after the Conquest of Mexico, on the 9th of Dec...

Mexico's Crisis in 1994

The interpretation of the crisis lived by Mexico in 1994 ...

Victoriano Huerta

José Victoriano Huerta Márquez was born in ...

The Administration of Vicente Fox, Former President of Mexico

Without a doubt, this politician is also a character: No ...

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Tamales, Mexican Wrapped Delicacies

The word tamal has Nahuatl roots and means “wrapped”....

The Tlatelolco Massacre

The Tlatelolco Massacre occurred on the 2nd of October 19...

The Most Important Natural Disasters Occurred in Mexico

Undoubtedly, the centuries of human activity have left th...