During the War of Reform, the confrontation between liber...
Articles Releated with Guerrero
In the prehispanic world, the concept of death played a f...
The Coat of Arms, Flag and National Anthem are the most i...
Rodolfo Neri Vela was born in Chilpancingo, Guerrero on F...
Jesus Malverde
Jesus Malv...
According to legend, in the year 1751 once the templeâs...
Ten years after the Conquest of Mexico, on the 9th of Dec...
The Bank of Mexico is the central bank of Mexico and was ...
The same as a steam engine, which has hot and humid air, ...
The Spanish language arrived with the Spanish conquerors ...
Most Viewed
The Train of the Maya Route (Expreso Maya)
(We're sorry to tell you that this train is currently...
Vicente Rojo Almazán, Great Artist
This great artist, Catalan by origin and Mexican by adopt...
5 museums that are a must, when visiting Mexico City
The cultural offer in the city of Mexico is vast, and alt...